Sgurr nan Saighead

Camillo Berenos Photography

Sgurr nan Saighead sidelit by the setting sun

The peak

Camillo Berenos Photography

Interplay between light and shadow on Sgurr an Lochain at sunset

The Saddle

Camillo Berenos Photography

The partly snow-covered summit of the Saddle only just lit by the setting sun

Sgurr na Carnach

Camillo Berenos Photography

Sgurr na Carnach turning red by the setting sun

A Kintail sunset

Camillo Berenos Photography

Sunset abobe Loch Duich and Sgurr nan Saighead (Kintail)


Camillo Berenos Photography

Sunbeams piercing through the clouds above Loch Duich as the sun sets

Kintail and Glen Shiel

Camillo Berenos Photography

Sgurr na Carnach with the South Shiel ridge beyond at twilight

Gleann Lichd

Camillo Berenos Photography

Looking out over Gleann Lichd and the hills of Kintail at dusk

Clouds over Gleann Lichd

Camillo Berenos Photography

The eastern slopes of Sgurr Fhuaran leading towards Gleann Lichd